Friday, January 4, 2013

Handmade Satisfaction

I decided back in October that it would be my goal to make 75% of my Christmas gifts, and looking back on it now may have been a crazy goal...that ended up being totally satisfying! Not only did I learn a heck of a lot about how to do certain things, I also taught myself some noteworthy time management skills that I hadn't taken notice of previously.

The fun part was seeing the end product, reactions from gift recipients, and the feeling of still wanting to keep making things even after I had gotten through Christmas! It was life changing. I joked to friends to remind me next year, to not be so ambitious, but the truth is...I'd like to do more next year and have already started on idea generation!

There was a point where I thought "This isn't going to turn out, or, how am I going to finish all this stuff in time?", but have a little faith, some deep sea determination, a good playlist and an encouraging support system and you can do anything you put your mind to. I am grateful for all those, as those were intangible gifts that were given to me even before Christmas.

I hope that everyone had a happy holiday season, here's a peak at what I worked on!

L to R: Lumberjack Flannel Pants, Wooden Spoons, Up-cycled Elevator Button Magnets, Leather Journals

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


It's gift giving time again...

The last couple months I've been working hard towards making the majority of my gifts this year. This past holiday weekend I spent the day in the wood shop with my Dad. In the moment of dancing around the belt sander in a dedicated effort to make serious progress, I was concentrating on not sanding my fingertips off, my Dad laughed at me. He had never seen someone dance around the belt sander as they worked. It was at that moment I brought myself back to the enjoyment of what I was doing and less concerned with sanding my fingers off...
I knew what I was doing. My shoulders relaxed and my task seemed to go much smoother because I was present in my gift making experience — thanks to the small chuckle of my Dad and my anxious feet.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


I was given a small wooden block with a great saying on it for my birthday this year...

"Enjoy the little things in life, for someday you will realize they were the big things."

It's my "happy-go-to-day-to-day", those little things. People hear me say it all the time and seem to nod in agreement.
Small, little, compact, minimal, mini, bit, elfin, tiny...the little things! These words describe the miniscule in our day to day, but may not have a miniscule impact in the big picture. Even the kind words of "thank you" or "I appreciate..." go further than people give them credit, when we slow down to let them settle in. Taking incremental notice of a particular object that strikes a fancy, could change the whole outlook for the day, if you let the good little things get to you! I dare you to try it. Find something small that makes you smile, and when you're having "a moment", try remember that "little thing" to spark your smile again.

So, for my first post, it's a small step, but small steps have the ability to create a great journey.